(2 Reviews)

Full or half Day

Single or Group

Taormina Bay

9.3 Superb


The boating experience is a journey of knowledge of the sea and following the rhythm and timing of navigation dictated from it. We will live the ancient relationship between the man and the sea, as navigators and explorers of the past done before, exploring the most beautiful coast of Sicily, touching ports of particularly historical significant and discovering enchanting sandy beaches and crystalline waters .

  • Full or half Day, Single or Group, Taormina Bay

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Departure Time


Return Time

2.00PM (Half Day), 18.00pm (Full Day)

Dress Code

Casual, comfortable and light

Price Includes
  • Fuel
  • Skipper and hostes & Personal Guide
  • Welcome drink
  • Soft drinks
  • Seasonal fruit

The Tour

Taormina’s Bay, The enchanting Isola Bella, Blue Cave, Bay of Mazzarò, Castel of Sant’Alessio, Mermaid’s Bay, Giardini Naxos, The sandy beach of S. Marco.